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This previously promised episode compares concerts and dancing between Boomer Parents and their Millennial Children. If one were to think that this topic is ripe for discomfort between generations or that participants would be talking right past each other due to complete unfamiliarity with each generation’s music and dance preferences, they would be partially right. If one were to suspect that this might lead to angst and anger resulting in argument and emotion, they would be totally wrong. This episode serves to show how people with two different perspectives on a topic, can have a mostly civil conversation (all profanity has been deleted) and still come out with the same level of love, respect and confusion about the other’s generation. One missing topic that was cut due to a lack of interest is a discussion about our Proms. Turns out, no one really had a bad time or a great time, the stories just weren’t that interesting. At any rate, hopefully this episode with conjure up memories of your own concerts and dance experiences. Hopefully, that is a good thing. Enjoy. 


As with all of our episodes, this is a standalone episode, which means that you don’t have to listen to any other episode to enjoy this one. We hope you find this short conversation interesting. If you would like to share your comments and questions please …



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Music performed by Bobby and Tom Knutilla. Music written by Bobby Knutilla and Brian Roberts.