With all of the excitement that happened in Washington D.C. this year, it reminded us of our time living in Washington D.C. To us, the most important thing was that is where we started our family. Of course, we were no D.C. movers and shakers, we were just working stiffs trying to raise a family. However, upon reflection, we were able to take advantage of quite a few opportunities to float amongst the ‘powerful and famous’. We just qualified as ‘fly’s on the wall’. In this episode, you will hear some of those stories of our experiences with Members of Congress which included a personal tour of the capitol among other experiences. We also visited with Members of the Executive Branch which resulted in a personal tour of the White House where we got to see the bowling alley and, of course, a visit to the door of the Oval Office as we weren’t allowed into the Oval Office. We also include our experience with president’s including shaking Jimmy Carter’s hand just before he entered the bathroom and going to Bill Clinton’s inauguration where we froze. In hindsight, I guess we didn’t completely waste the time that we lived in Washington D. C. and in this episode we tell these stories and others to show you why. Hope you enjoy.