Next Episode: Let's Talk Legacy

Parenting is all about being intentional. Taking those everyday moments and making something great. Our children deserve us to be intentional. At times it may just be easier to brush off a playtime request to continue work or mindless scrolling, but it is at those time that we can choose to be intentional about the ways we engage our children. Being a father, we become the first of many things to our children. It all starts with being intentional.

Thanks for joining me today for another episode on the Dad Different Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please don’t forget to share and leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. If you’re not subscribed yet I’d love for you to do so that way, we can continue to grow the community and celebrate this wonderful journey called Fatherhood together. Also, I’d love to hear from you. You can check out more of Dad Different on Facebook, @idaddifferent, Instagram, @DadDifferent, or by email at [email protected] and I look forward to hearing from you. And to all the dads out there let’s stay committed to leading our families well. Our kids are not looking for perfection, they are looking for our presence. So, don’t stop being present. Don’t stop being different. Until next time on the Dad Different Podcast, I am your host Jeffrey, and I will catch you guys on the next one.

Instagram: @daddifferent
Email: [email protected]

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