Dreem2Reality Entertainment proudly presents The Rock Vegas Podcast, pre-recorded from the D2R Studios!

On today's show: The dynamic duo of Ryan and Dave host today's fifth episode and they are being joined by assistant Joy and Ryan's co-worker, Steve! The troop jump right into a recent Rockford IceHogs player controversy involving alleged revenge porn. Then, they discuss a series of reports about A-list celebrities having been through the area recently and debunk the whole internet news scam. After that, a Post Secrets segment that leads into a brief discussion about Playboy, an Interesting Facts segment concerning mascara, and a Who Would Win? segment involving the guys from Braveheart vs. the guys from 300. And then, a discussion about germs - specifically coins, bathrooms, and pooping in public. Needless to say, the episode ends kinda shitty. Pun intended. All that and more makes up this fifth episode of The Rock Vegas Podcast.  Enjoy the eargasms!!

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