Dreem2Reality Entertainment proudly presents The Rock Vegas Podcast, pre-recorded from the D2R Studios!

On today's show: The bodacious duo of Ryan and Dave host today's fifty third episode! The guys start the show by discussing Dave's recent birthday, how age ain't nothin' but a number, and Dave announces how long he's been sober. Then, the guys discuss a news story about a drunk pastor with some leaked audio of the incident. After that, Ryan explains why he hates "conversation blockers" and then goes on a rant about his co-worker that tries to nonchalantly interrupt while he's reading on break, starts talking to him with his earbuds in, and other various things that his co-worker does that pisses him off. Ryan has a swift message for his co-worker, who ironically, doesn't listen, in real life or the podcast. All that and more make up this fifty third episode of The Rock Vegas Podcast. Enjoy the eargasms!!

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