The D2R Podcast proudly presents Season 2 of Sixteen S's Podcast, pre-recorded from the Dreem2Reality Entertainment Studio!

On today's show: Ryan starts the show by announcing that Dave's book, Dave's Not Here, is giving him nightmares. Ryan explains his theory on what it is about Dave's book that is causing the nightmares and Dave reassures Ryan that the nightmares will cease once he finishes the book. Then, Ryan discusses the little black book that he discovered a long time ago and the Pandora's box that was opened following the discovery, that eventually led to a divorce. After that, the guys talk about trust and how once it's lost, it's extremely hard to regain. Enjoy the eargasms!!

The official podcast email address is [email protected]. Write in topics, scenarios, news headlines, your own personal stories, shout-outs, or anything at all and the guys will read your email live on the show!

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