The D2R Podcast proudly presents Season 2 of Sixteen S's Podcast, pre-recorded from the Dreem2Reality Entertainment Studio!

On today's show: The show starts with Dave, ready to discuss a deranged Cabbage Patch doll story in the news, which results in a skit. Then, Dave discusses going back to school and Ryan reads a list. After that, Dave calls Nurse Betty and Dr. Tom with some brief questions. Then, Ryan announces that he's been appointed wedding planner for his own wedding and what this could entail if he decides to accept the mission. After that, Ryan discusses Hulk Hogan's racial comments that were in the news. Then, Ryan announces that he's been doing some digging of his own and come across yet another secretly recorded incident with The Hulkster going on quite the rant. Dave encourages Ryan to play the secretly obtained tape, against better judgment. WARNING: If you are easily offended, please turn off the podcast before the tape is played. Otherwise, enjoy the eargasms!!

The official podcast email address is [email protected]. Write in topics, scenarios, news headlines, your own personal stories, shout-outs, or anything at all and the guys will read your email live on the show!

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