The first episode in our new arc is already, two days late ... apologies, but life getting in the way of what we find fulfilling is what this podcast is all about so. But now that it's here please enjoy the first episode of a new arc following Timothy's Champions as they begin their career's as mercenaries.

When a commander from the Inquisitors reaches the Red Keep, he sends the Champions on a mission to deal with a demonic infestation of a small city near the Corteaux and Trepany border. With Elijah missing, will Stradivarius, Trin, and Khaki be able to handle what they find?

Elijah The World Ender – Vinny Logozio -
Stradivarius Ren – Mae Catt -
Trin Blackberry – Nat Nielsen -
Khaki Jan – David Rainey -
Master of Dungeons – Michael Rainey -

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