This health show is designed to inform everyday people about the benefits of healthy food and it affect on our mind, body and soul.On this show people will learn how to prepare easy meal, how to use food for medicine and much more. Today on the show Marsha talks with  LaShay Canady, Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Clinician of Whole Food Nutrition.

LaShay Canady is a passionate Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Certified Clinician of Whole Food Nutrition (CCWFN) who has been in practice since 2007. As your Nutritional Deficiency Detective, her primary goal is to support the body’s own recuperative efforts while challenging politically correct nutrition. 

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To all my 4 Your Health Listeners this program/radio show advises all that the information presented here is for the purpose of information, and education only.It should not be construed as offering medical advice or the diagnosis and / or treatment of any illness, injury, condition or prevention for any health problems the viewer should consult licensed physician or health care practitioner for proper diagnosis and / or treatment.