

July 23, 2009 17:20


D Double A* stick to books not boys!

July 17, 2009 15:18 Video

hope you enjoy our video

Podcast Number One !

July 10, 2009 19:05 Video


July 07, 2009 18:57

This is our D Double A Logo :) You Gotta Love My Ego <3


July 06, 2009 12:59

Arrgggg , its 8:58 in the morning . and im tierd . and its monday to top it all of . jesuschrist .


July 05, 2009 17:56

Welcome To : D Double A's Page . We know that being a teenager isnt easy, and just to make things easier we have made D Double A . You might be wondering what D Double A means . Well... Our team consists of 3 people , Diyana Abera & Athmeka . Noticed the first letters of our names equal to D and Double A . Heres a Traier to what ou can look forward to in a weeks time .