After the season opener in Kruibeke, the cyclocross season continues in Beringen! The course on the 'Avonturenberg' provided us with some amazig racing to talk about.

In the mens race Eli Iserbyt took his first win of the season, beating Vanthourenhout and Van der Haar. The strength of Iserbyt is discussed, aswell as the improvements seen at the end of van der haar. Meanwhile there was a pack of young riders ending behind the top 3 that certainly deserved some attention. Ronhaar put in a great effort to end 4th, but Meeussen, Nys, Michels and Kamp all deserve credit for their race.

In the womens race, the racing was a lot more tense. Brand an Van Empel were equal to each other and despite some bad luck were able to distance the rest. In a sprint Van Empel won, which was pretty unique. The battle was analyzed, whilst there was more to say about some other riders like Schreiber, Kastelijn and Betsema.

Finally, there is attention for the situation around Mathieu van der Poel and the Bronze Medal for Silvia Persico in the womens race! 

Listen to it all in the second episode of the cyclocross social podcast!

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