We are framing the discussion on endurance training recovery around Paul Chek's, Six Foundational principles: sleeping, breathing, eating, thinking, drinking, and moving. This a perfect framework to discuss the essence of recovery. 
There are many things we can do to facilitate the recovery of our muscles. Some popular techniques include massage. cryotube therapy, Norma Tech compression, ice baths, inversion table hanging, electromagnetic pulses, etc., but none are more effective than the basics. 

Matt Maruka and the Light Diet: https://chekinstitute.com/podcast-episode-notes/ep-99-matt-maruca/
Soma breath: https://home.somabreath.com/lessons/day-1-correct-your-breathing/
Follow with each subsequent day [7 days total] NOTE: To find the link for the subsequent day, you must page all the way down to the bottom [past the comments] and you will see days 2-7.
Paleo Diet for Athletes: https://thepaleodiet.com/lifestyle/for-athletes
Belissa Vranich: https://www.thebreathingclass.com/breathe-usa
Metabolic Typing Diet: http://www.metabolictyping.com

We are framing the discussion on endurance training recovery around Paul Chek's, Six Foundational principles: sleeping, breathing, eating, thinking, drinking, and moving. This a perfect framework to discuss the essence of recovery. 

There are many things we can do to facilitate the recovery of our muscles. Some popular techniques include massage. cryotube therapy, Norma Tech compression, ice baths, inversion table hanging, electromagnetic pulses, etc., but none are more effective than the basics. 

Matt Maruka and the Light Diet: https://chekinstitute.com/podcast-episode-notes/ep-99-matt-maruca/

Soma breath: https://home.somabreath.com/lessons/day-1-correct-your-breathing/

Follow with each subsequent day [7 days total] NOTE: To find the link for the subsequent day, you must page all the way down to the bottom [past the comments] and you will see days 2-7.

Paleo Diet for Athletes: https://thepaleodiet.com/lifestyle/for-athletes

Belissa Vranich: https://www.thebreathingclass.com/breathe-usa

Metabolic Typing Diet: http://www.metabolictyping.com