This week I'm joined by a clinician and author Dr Anthony Bean. This episode is such a good one in terms of deconstructing games and their use, their benefits and the big WHY people use computer games. We look at Anthony's book "Working with video gamers and games in therapy; a clinicians guide" and look at some of the chapters that I am endlessly telling people about.  This episode is awesome in terms of why the (still ongoing) debate around the W.H.O. classification of gaming disorder is/has been produced by researchers with little or no understanding of WHAT GAMERS DO AND WHY. For those of you who are regular listeners and viewers you'll see this as a great explanation of the difference between the kind of work Anthony and I engage in and the research that is currently pathologising children, young people and adults too regarding this (ahem) "disorder" (I think you know my views on this loud and clear if you've listened to the other episodes, if not go back and listen there is a pl