In this episode of the Cyber Security Uncut podcast, David Connors, chief technology officer/chief information security officer (CTO/CISO) at Australian Defence Apparel (ADA) joins co-hosts Major General (Ret’d) Marcus Thompson, inaugural head of the Australian Defence Force’s Information Warfare Division, and Phil Tarrant, director – defence and security at Momentum Media, to discuss the importance of shoring up cyber defences in the aftermath of the Optus breach. Topics discussed include: Learnings from the recent Optus breach and ADA’s cyber response. ADA’s cyber resilience strategy and the importance of protecting critical data in the defence space. The benefits of democratising a company’s cyber security posture. The evolving threat landscape and subsequent changes to regulatory frameworks. Challenges Connors has faced during his career in the cyber security industry. ADA’s cyber security testing regime. Enjoy the podcast,
The Cyber Security Uncut team