Walter Haydock was a Military Officer and worked on Capitol Hill investigating the Department of Homeland Security before going to business school and eventually getting into cybersecurity. Nowadays, he builds software startup security programs to accelerate sales and renewals. He also runs a blog about the industry and is a Fellow at the Center for Security and Emerging Technology. On the podcast with Francesco, they discuss vulnerability and asset management, tools for security triage, and the future of cybersecurity. 


The episode is brought to you by AppSec Phoenix Ltd with the Phoenix platform, you can make Vulnerability management for software and organization SMART.  Follow the tag #appsecsmart to get a free 30-day licence quoting CSCP


0:00 Introductions

2:11 Starting in cybersecurity

4:45 Background in government/military

7:30 Crisis management

8:55 4 techniques of risk management

10:40 Vulnerability management

15:30 Communicate risk to leaders

18:30 Are we headed in the right direction

18:50 Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS)

22:22 Tools for triage

26:00 Asset management

28:46 New generation of security professionals

32:00 Qualitative VS Quantitative approach to risk

37:25 Calculating risk 38:16 Three pieces of advice

41:20 Closing words and get connected

42:55 Outro 


Walter Haydock

Twitter @Walter_Haydock



Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) 



Cyber Security and Cloud Podcast hosted by Francesco Cipollone

Twitter @FrankSEC42

#CSCP #cybermentoringmonday 


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