In this episode, we have the pleasure to talk with Phillip Wylie a Pentester and we explore the path to Pentesting, the difference between Blue and Red team and the good things learned. We also explore the Texas cybersecurity community, the meeting and meetups. We explore the Tribe of Hacker and how it was born and evolved.

The podcast is brought you by the generosity of NSC42 Ltd, your cybersecurity partner. Cybersecurity is a complex and different for every organization, and you need the best-tailored service to make sure your customer's data is safe and sound so that you can focus on what's important, focusing on your clients and bringing the best and safest experience. 
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Phillip Wylie is the Senior Red Team Lead for a global consumer products company, Adjunct Instructor at Richland College, and The Pwn School Project founder. Phillip has over 22 years of experience with the last 8 years spent as a pentester. Phillip has a passion for mentoring and education. His passion motivated him to start teaching and founding The Pwn School Project a monthly educational meetup focusing on cybersecurity and ethical hacking. Phillip teaches Ethical Hacking and Web Application Pentesting at Richland College in Dallas, TX. Phillip is a co-host for The Uncommon Journey podcast. Phillip holds the following certifications; CISSP, NSA-IAM, OSCP, GWAPT.
Phillip website:
The Pwn School Project:
The Uncommon Journey podcast: 
Francesco is an Executive, Public Speaker, out of the box thinker. Francesco is the Executive director of NSC42 Ltd a UK based cybersecurity consultancy. As an executive, he loves to stay close to the technology but to keep it simple. Francesco is data and result-driven Cyber Security Executive/vCISO highly regarded for planning and executing strategic infosec improvement programs that protect data and technical assets, reduce security risks, and align with long-term organisational goals. Francesco is a well-known speaker, Head of the Cloud security alliance UK, and Director of the cyber security consultancy NSC42.
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