Announcer 0:00Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listening as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:22Hello sports fans. I'm Chris Hoyt CXR president and today's quarterback for the next 15 minutes as we kick off this segment of the CareerXroads podcast if you haven't listened or watched or been part of our eXpertease program before you're in for a treat today, I'm connecting with an industry leader almost every week to talk about one thing they'd like you to know one thing they wish their younger self knew when victory when defeat or life lesson learned. And that's ideally beneficial for you and your career. Now, if you've managed to get to the stadium live, you can jump in with a question of your own. And if we can, we'll try to answer it. But don't worry if we were in a time on the clock because you'll find that posted in the free and public forums we host over at As you probably already know, these topics are gleaned from a list built around the results of our CXR 2021 talent acquisitions priorities research, where hundreds of fit leaders and practitioners weighed in on what was important to them this year, that report is free to anybody that would like to give the results to look and can be found within the research and Reports section. Let's see if that works. So let's get this game started. Joining me today is Glenn Gutmacher. Glenn, how are you?

Glenn Gutmacher 1:26Hey. All right.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 1:29Hey, it's good to see you. Bit. I love you Glenn. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you working? Where you going? What's going on with you?

Glenn Gutmacher 1:39Sure. Well, I've been doing talent sourcing for over 20 years now and just wrapped up a five and a half year stint at State Street, a large global bank running their global sourcing function with a focus on diversity and five years previous to that was running something similar for a tech firm. And so I'm looking for my next gig actually.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:01Yeah, okay. Well, hopefully we can get the word out there that you're ready to move. I do fun trivia. Fun, Glenn. trivia fact, a lot of people don't know this. You were actually in a previous life, a contributor to a participant of a series, a book series that CXR and put out Yes?

Glenn Gutmacher 2:18Yeah, I actually created the job board for a newspaper chain here in New England back in the late 90s. And so Gerry, heard about it. And that job board called Job Smart at the time ended up being in the book.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:32Nice. That's your fun trivia for the day. Sorry, listeners. So look good. You and I recently did a workshop on building out diverse candidate slates. Right. And we know that that's kind of been a topic within our space, but just share share with the listeners your perspective of why that was an important topic for us to cover.

Glenn Gutmacher 2:54Sure, well I mean, diversity is often discussed in the context of doing the right thing, which is great. And that's ideally how we should look at it. But in practice, particularly in a traditional corporate workplace, we need to press other levers if we want to make change happen. And diverse candidate interview slates is one of those known to have an impact.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 3:15So what would you say, given that we spent two hours with quite a few companies, and you've done quite a bit of research to this on your own? That's why we invited you and actually to help with the workshop. What would you say leading companies, in your opinion, are doing well, with diverse candidates, slates, or maybe even with just setting up, say, diverse interview panels?

Glenn Gutmacher 3:37Sure, well, I think they have some carrots and sticks,