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Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:21Alright, hi, faithful listeners and watchers alike. I'm Chris Hoyt CXR president and your ring master for today's eXpertease segment of the CareerXroads podcast. Now for the next 10 minutes, we're going to talk with an industry leader practitioner that's opening up and sharing with us one thing they think we should know, it might be lessons learned, victories, defeats, or just insights based on their own experience. Either way, you're getting a quick chat with them here and on our other weekly episodes. So as my uncle used to say, it's time to quit picking your seat, go ahead and sit down and settle in for a listen. Now if you're here live, you can always jump on the keyboard and drop a question into the chat. And if we've time we'll try to get to your question. Now. If we run out of time, of course, you'll find any question that you asked over in our free and public forums at And of course, please don't forget to subscribe to this videocast anywhere you listen to your other favorites. And to do that, we've made it super easy by sharing those easy subscribe buttons as well as a vast library of previous episodes at Now, as you may or may not know, these topics were curated from a list built around the results of our CXR 2021 Talent Acquisition priorities research, hundreds of verified TA leaders and practitioners weighed in on what was important to them this year. And if you're wondering if recruiting automation is more of a priority for most than critical hiring efforts in recruiting or DE&I strategies, you can head over to and look for the 2021 priorities report within the research and Reports section of the site. So check it out. With all of that, let's get to the greatest show on Earth today, shall we? Today's guest is Jeffrey Moss. Now Jeffrey is the founder and CEO of Parker Dewey. And for those who may not know Parker Dewey is a platform that helps organizations identify, engage, assess and hire college students for both internships and full time roles. And most recently, we have found its garnering some real interest around the idea of experiential work, and something called micro internships. Jeffrey, welcome to the big tent.

Jeffrey Moss, Parker Dewey 2:21Thanks so much, Chris. Great to be here. Although that's pretty high bar you set.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:26Well, you know, it is a circus.

Jeffrey Moss, Parker Dewey 2:29Yeah, but I'm not sure I'm an expert in anything, but certainly appreciate it.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:33Well, so…

Jeffrey Moss, Parker Dewey 2:34Maybe I'm a sideshow

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:35why should anybody listen to what you have to say Jeffrey? Like, give it give us sort of the escalator pitcher who Jeffrey Moss is.

Jeffrey Moss, Parker Dewey 2:42Yeah, so I founded Parker, Dewey, as you said, really to help fix the pathways from college to career and the way we did it was coming up with this concept of the micro internship. And for those folks who aren't familiar with micro internships, these are short term paid professional projects completed by college students or recent grads on behalf of busy professionals. Now, micro internships, they don't replace summer internships don't replace full time jobs, but where companies use them as a pathway to sort of build their brand with college students who may not know their brand, or to engage students who may be missing out because they don't go to the right focus school, were the test drive candidates really to assess their skills by seeing the real work on the short term projects, things like communication or problem solving or attention to detail. Those things that we know are vital for a great h...