Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listening as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:21Everybody, welcome to another episode of CXR eXpertease. I'm Chris Hoyt, today, your lead singer and the president of CXR, where for just a few rotations of the vinyl, we're going to connect and talk with talent leaders, industry experts to talk about what's keeping them up at night. One thing they'd like to make sure that you are backup singers learn from their experience. So if you're here live, you know that you can join the chat on the screen and ask whatever you'd like of today's guest. If we've the time, we're going to do our best to get to that question. And otherwise, you can just find it over in our free and public forums at Now lastly, don't forget to subscribe to these podcast and videocasts anywhere you listen to your favorites like Spotify, Amazon music, etc, etc, etc, or just by dialing in to Now, as a reminder, each of these segments and the guests are chosen around feedback received on our 2021 priority survey. Now, if you haven't added your thoughts to this open survey with the hundreds of other top leaders that have chimed in, well, you're just too late. We're going to publish the results this week. So you can however, view them over at in the research and report section of the website. So let's start singing shall we? I'm I'm super excited today to introduce to today's guest Annie Lin, who is the VP of People at Lever Annie, welcome. How are you?

Annie Lin, Lever 1:36Thanks, guys. Thanks so much, everybody for having me.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 1:39I'm super excited for you to be here. But before we before we started jumping in, because I love Love, love, love, love, love. Data, love data, seven of them. Who is Annie Lin? Like why should the folks that are dialed in and listening on the treadmill or dancing around the rooms to the music of our of our voices? What Why should they be paying attention to you share a little bit about your background?

Annie Lin, Lever 2:00Yeah, no, thanks, everybody for having me. And listening to podcasts on the treadmill is my favorite way to listen to podcasts. So I fully support you, that is what you're doing here. So like Chris said, my name is Annie Lin, I am the VP of People at Lever. My team is everything from recruiting, HR Ops, HR, business partnerships, programs, internal comms culture, you name it, it's under the umbrella. And for those of you who are not familiar with Lever, we are actually a recruiting software. So we're a talent acquisition suite that helps other organizations face what we still consider to be one of the biggest challenges for companies to scale and succeed, which is to attract and hire really great talent. And so as you can imagine, I have the privilege of being on the meda team here at Lever running talent at a company whose product itself is very much focused on talent. So that's been a it's definitely been a been a joy, to be able to be a part of that journey.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:56Good stuff, what's been fun to actually watch that organization, that company grow over the last, you know, a number of years. So it's been really kind of interesting, I guess, the last five or six years really blown up. So it's a lot of fun. And I'm glad you were able to join us. Thank you so much. So

Annie Lin, Lever 3:10Yeah

Chris Hoyt, CXR 3:11You and I talked before, and I shared kind of a funny story, which is only sort of half half not true. But I fell in love with data from a recruiting standpoint when as a as a punishment, of so to speak, my boss and I, at the time did not get along very well. And as a punishment, she gave me the reports team. And I thought, oh my god,