Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:19Welcome to CareerXroads, podcast and a special recurring segment we like to call eXpertease. I'm Chris Hoyt President of CXR, and I'll be your cruise director for this quick 15 minutes or so where we chat with industry leaders and personalities asking them to share one victory, one defeat turning point or a career life lesson with you, our faithful subscribers, so anyone can attend the live sessions, or can subscribe to the video and Podcast Series anywhere you listen to podcasts, or simply go to Now, if you're here live, you can jump into the chat and ask whatever you like of our guests. And if we have time, we'll try to get to that question. If we do run out of time, we'll drop the queues over in our open and public forum founded Now, just a note before we begin the focus of each of these and I think we've done about 25 now comes from our 2021 priority survey that is found in the research and report section of Now in that survey, we have found responses from hundreds of talent leaders who tell us what is top of mind for them with regards to where energy and education of their teams should be focused. Now, this range is anywhere from DE&I, to employee wellness to ethics in recruiting. So if you haven't already, head over and drop in your thoughts before we close the survey out next week. And we'll use your responses to determine who our next 25 are. So speaking of guests, let me finally introduce today's leader and personality founder and CEO of Smart Recruiters Jerome Ternynck, Jerome welcome to our humble show.

Jerome Ternynck, Smart Recruiters 1:51Well, thank you, Chris. I'm really happy to be here. And I think being on a show with the both of you, at the same time feel like the pinnacle of my career in HR. So thank you for having me.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:04That's That's a lovely thing to say. Thank you. Look, before we jump into your topic, can you share with us a little bit about who you are and a little bit about your industry, your history of creating smart recruiters because honestly, I still think I have a long sleeve white shirt that you handed out way long ago, and I think was an era conference when you announced that you what you were doing and what your mission was. So can you can you kind of give us a little bit of background on what's going on?

Jerome Ternynck, Smart Recruiters 2:34Yeah, absolutely. So I'm an entrepreneur at heart. And I sit somewhere between technology and recruiting forever. So I, I've always been looking at recruiting as in, in fact, a matching problem of how we bring people and jobs together. And I do the I was the recruiter for a bunch of years recruitment agency. And then I did a first generation ATS, which you know, tracking applicants, right. And then after that, I was like, okay, no ATS is they don't solve the problem. Like they This is not about tracking applicants. So I found that Smart Recruiters in 2010, here in San Francisco, and my mission was zero unemployment. I just you know, as every technology entrepreneur, I have a big reality distortion, which is like, Where's the problem, you just find your person find the job and match them, like, let's get it done. And, and this is how we started smartrecruiters. And to this day, we are we are on a strong mission or purpose to connect people to jobs. We have about 1000 enterprises using our talent acquisition suite, large organization like Bosch visa, IKEA LinkedIn actually uses us now globally. And we really are the generational successor to the ATS to help companies hire the talent they have. But I think that that sense of purpose they keep internally how we measure it is as remain there...