Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:20Hello, everybody. Welcome to the CareerXroads podcast as a part of the show that we call expertise. My name is Chris Hoyt. I'm the president of CXR, and I am your host for the next thrilling 10 minutes as we catch up with industry friend, Shaunda Zilich, who is the global talent brand leader at Qualtrics. Now, these episodes are sort of a fast talk track with industry leaders and industry personalities who have agreed to come on and share a life or work lesson they have learned. So this could be a victory in their recent career, and how they got there or a crushing moment in their lives that proved to later galvanize them from failure. If you were here last week, you got to enjoy that one. It's like I probably laughed the entire episode. But regardless of the topic, it is derived from our 2021 priority survey that literally anyone can participate in. And that already has focus areas sort of honed down from hundreds of talent leaders from around the world. So if you're interested in adding what you think we should be sharing about, head over to the 2021 priorities benchmark that can be found within the research and Reports section of Now. If you're with us live today, you can jump on that keyboard and add a question for our guests in the chat section. And if we've got time, we'll take a shot at getting it answered. If not, we'll address it in our open and free exchange at with all that Shaunda, how the heck are you?

Shaunda Zilich, Qualtrics 1:38Great, thank you so much for having me on here. I'm so excited. I'm a little pressure now you laughed the whole time last week I feel like I'm now I'm going to try to be funny and I'm probably not gonna be very funny. So

Chris Hoyt, CXR 1:50It's okay. It was a it was a terrible story. Somebody youth it was you got to listen to it. It was really well,

Shaunda Zilich, Qualtrics 1:56I will I've got to you definitely have me on the edge of my seat.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:00So if our listeners are watching the video cast, they likely see that you have a guest with you.

Shaunda Zilich, Qualtrics 2:06I do this is Wesley He is my 13 year old son today his job shadowing day. And lucky for Wesley, you know, with COVID and everything, he's got one person this shadow, so we're gonna we we started off the morning with a few emails and I'm just trying to explain even what I do. So maybe we can talk a little more about that. But he decided to join us for the conversation today. And I think it's gonna be kind of fun.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:33All right, Wesley. We're glad to have you on anything you want to share before we jump right in?

Wesley Zilich 2:38Ah, Nah, I'm good.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:40No, no, no sports forecasts. Nothing like that.

Shaunda Zilich, Qualtrics 2:43Oh, yeah. Who's gonna win? Who's gonna win march madness?

Wesley Zilich 2:46Oh, um I'm probably going to go with Michigan. Just because my mom's a fan.

Shaunda Zilich, Qualtrics 2:51Oh getting good with me. already

Wesley Zilich 2:53They have a good chance we need Livers back though.

Shaunda Zilich, Qualtrics 2:56Yeah, yeah. There you go.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 3:03Well, Shaunda as a and Wesley Feel free to jump in throughout the entire conversation as a global talent brand manager, right, we know that there's a ton on your plate. There's always tons for you to do. There's just so much responsibility, especially the large organization, a global organization. And while you've done things, right, we've talked about this, you've not always been able to knock it out of the park, have you?

Shaunda Zilich, Qualtrics 3:28No. No. And you know, I am? Yeah, you know,