Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:16Hello, everyone, and welcome to CareerXroads podcast and our special segment that we call expertise. I'm Chris Hoyt president of CXR. And today we're gonna grab 10 minutes with Heidi Hite, who is the senior recruitment Marketing Program Manager at Sleep Number Corporation. And we're going to talk about the tactical elements of programmatic advertising. Now, these segments that we do are typically delivered in a sort of snackable format. So if you're just sipping your morning coffee, or knocking out a mile on the treadmill, you'll get to hear us discuss any number of issues before you even finish. And those are going to fall within areas that talent leaders have actually from hundreds of companies have said need attention. So these could be anything from ethics, in recruiting to DE&I topics, to employee wellness, or even employee retention. So if you're interested in weighing in on what you think the 2021 recruiting leaders should focus on, you can take part in our new 2021 priorities benchmark. It's open to everybody. And it's found within the research and Reports section. www.CXR.works. Now, if you're attending live today, you're going to get to participate via the chat feature of our broadcast. And you should feel free to ask our guests Heidi, a question or two. And we'll do our best to get to them. Now. If we don't have time, or you think of something later you'd like to ask, you can always join us in our open exchange. That's found at www.cxr.works/talent talks. So with all of that, Heidi, good morning, how are you today?

Heidi Hite, Sleep Number Corporation 1:40Good morning. Good. You.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 1:41I'm doing very well. Thank you. It's still snowing where you are.

It recently but not right now. Thank goodness.

Minneapolis, you can't hate Minneapolis except for the snow.

Heidi Hite, Sleep Number Corporation 1:53Agree

Chris Hoyt, CXR 1:55Look, Heidi to level set what what is sort of your area of responsibility as Sleep Number and and tell us how programmatic advertising sort of falls within that, please?

Yeah, so I am supporting the recruitment marketing space, which essentially is advertising for jobs to put it simply. But it really is larger than that, right. So we're really focused on creating the value streams and understanding why candidates would choose us why they would come to Sleep Number, why they would stay. A large portion of my time is really put into programmatic advertising as it is essentially one of the main tools that we utilize to really open up the top of the funnel, from a brand awareness standpoint, all the way down through driving applications to our open jobs. So as the world is changing, and as jobs are really being circulated through different digital online places, we want to make sure that we're showing up effectively, but yet still supporting our missions and how we're driving equality, and individual aviation and other types of factors within our spaces. So my world is art and science, I am looking at data, I'm looking at app to higher ratios, I'm looking at our different segments of work, where they're regionally located. And then I'm also looking at just where we need to be showing up from a voice and a value and how we really mesh those two together. And that art and science fashion.

I love that. But if I'm in layman's terms, like if I ever heard of programmatic advertising, what does that what specifically does programmatic advertising do for job listings.

So it's essentially a system that allows jobs to come in and be allocated to the right job boards at the right time, using data as a baseline to set up the system. And then using analytics based on candidate behavior to determine if that jo...

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