Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt 0:16I am Chris Hoyt president of CareerXroads, you have joined us for our first eXpert Tease of 2021. So this is our weekly quick hit conversation with industry leaders and practitioners who are sharing a life or career lesson, sort of a hands on how to, if you will, with us in just about 10 to 15 minutes, these are pretty fast. So the topics that we're actually decided on advanced by hundreds of ta leaders from around the world, cover a range of subjects such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, leadership, employee wellness, and just about anything else you can imagine that our people in the industry are dealing with or working on. Now, as you may already know, we have a new survey open to anybody where we're asking what's on your mind for 2021, you can find that that survey titled 2021 priorities in the Research and Reports section of www dot CXR.works. Now, if you're here live, which is also open to anyone, you can participate via the live chat on the screen. So feel free to ask a question or two. And if we've got time, we'll try to get them answered here in the broadcast. If we run out of time, we'll address them online and our free and open exchange at CXR.works/talent talks. Today, I am joined by Adam Gordon, he is the CEO of an innovative little company, you've probably heard of Candidate ID, where they're really focused on pipeline automation and lead generation. Adam, welcome.

Adam Gordon, CandidateID 1:39Thank you very much. I'm really privileged to be here. And nice to see so many faces turning up to talk about talent, pipeline automation and in demand talent.

Chris Hoyt 1:51Yeah. So now you know, I've been a fan of your work, and what Candidate ID is doing for years, and I think you'll have to correct me. I think we first met in Amsterdam, you were in front of 1000s competing amongst some other impressive vendors on stage. Yes. Did I get it right? Oh, you're muted. I thought I got it wrong.

Adam Gordon, CandidateID 2:17So here's what happens when you when you when you mute yourself to cough? You can't unmute yourself. So everybody, you know. Yeah, that's right. We did we met in Amsterdam at on Unleash, I think you were a I think you might have been a you are you were a judge in the I think it was the startup competition or something like that. And we were participating in that.

Chris Hoyt 2:40That's right. That was a lot of fun. Yeah, it was, there was a big, well, we won't waste the 10 minutes we've got on that. But it was really fun to see you go from like the smaller rooms all the way to the big main stage, it was a lot of fun. So as we all know that hiring top talent in demand top talent is important. And some would probably swear that as recruiters that's that's likely all we do. So in your experience, given the clients that you work with and your time in the space, what's one thing you'd like people to know or consider about hiring in demand talent? What would you share with anybody listening that they could or should consider around that topic?

Adam Gordon, CandidateID 3:19Well, the first thing is, so you asked me, What have I learned in the last year from like running the business that we're in the last year has been a crazy, crazy year, of course, one that none of us will have ever experienced anything like in our careers, and the the organizations that kept working with us. And that came to work with us in the last year, given were in the area of talent, pipelining and talent, pipeline automation, they were all in. And it was only in December, that we realized that they were all in an area that I described as in demand talent. So a lot of them were in technology, in engineering, in healthcare,