Announcer 0:01Welcome to CareerXroads Uncorked a series of member chats inspired by good drinks and current talent acquisition trends your hosts Chris Hoyt and Gerry Crispin breakdown today's recruiting headlines while reviewing a selected beverage of choice with industry leaders and influencers join us for a drink and conversation.

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 0:22Social media as such, Facebook says we just want to remind me to remind you of things that you were doing this time last year and it's like yeah, wonderful in the in the COVID era you're sending me pictures of when we were out and Sonoma

Chris Hoyt 0:35Thanks for rubbing it in that I'm not out at the vineyards thanks for rubbing it in that I'm not in London or Paris or Japan. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 0:44Yeah, and to add insult to injury This is my wife and I was five year wedding anniversary, which also got got bashed a bit by by COVID

Gerry Crispin 0:53Bummer

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 0:54We're on the right run a rain rain check.

Chris Hoyt 0:57Oh man,

Gerry Crispin 0:57Sorry I am a little bit late. I just thought I would join you by telling you I've got Walt

Chris Hoyt 1:04Awesome awesome. I couldn't get Walt

Gerry Crispin 1:08And you got right could not get Rex. Is that gonna Walt too?

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 1:13Yeah, no, I got you. Yeah, I got Walt, I got Walt

Chris Hoyt 1:16I do not I am the outlier today. I could have ironically I am near Sonoma could not get Walt. But I have abear Gary Farrell which is a Sonoma County. Pino 2017. Well ranked. So now I'm pouring it. We waited for you. Gerry doesn't even wait look at him

Gerry Crispin 1:36I, I was on talent net. And I had to manage a conversation about I don't know some bullshit. And but it was good. It was a good conversation. And then I said, You know, I gotta leave. And I had already opened the bottle.

Chris Hoyt 1:52Well, let me can I want to call this out before we did a little toast. Oh, so hold your glass up. Look at your glass. These are called COVID pours?

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 2:01Yes.

Chris Hoyt 2:04We never poured wine this heavy when we were before COVID.

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 2:08Some of us may have?

Gerry Crispin 2:10Yeah, well, maybe. Maybe.

Chris Hoyt 2:13I'm very concerned

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 2:14I do think that it's grown.

Chris Hoyt 2:16Yeah, sure. We get back to the bars. And some we're gonna order a drink and it's gonna come out. It's gonna be a tiny little what we're used to. It's gonna be like, we'll have to order triples in order to get..

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 2:25No it'll probably be quadruples because they'll be they'll be trying to make make up for lost time. So therefore, it will be smaller than they would have been.

Chris Hoyt 2:33All I 'm sayin is save me a trip. I'm just filling up and save me a trip. Well, Cheers, guys. Cheers.

Gerry Crispin 2:39Cheers to you. How are you Walt? Well, I mean, not Walt

Chris Hoyt 2:45Like a bottle. Gerry. Admit it.

Gerry Crispin 2:46I know. I know.

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 2:47Yeah.

Gerry Crispin 2:49How's Elanco doing?

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 2:50We're doing we're doing well. We're doing we're doing busy, which is normal for us. We've had a busy busy busy several years. But but we're doing well.

Gerry Crispin 3:00Who do we see? Who do we see earlier this week for briefly? Oh, Shannon and I had a meet a we obviously we do two or three meetings a week. At least. We have one on critical. And Tom referenced you?

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 3:16Yep. my campus is there.

Gerry Crispin 3:17And we had a nice conversation about universal relations and some of the issues that we see our members doing in 2021. And I think he was appreciative of it. So is it was useful?

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 3:31Yeah. Yeah. Now we are we are we are definitely, you know, having come off of an IPO then lots of work day, then, you know, major acquisition, you know,