Announcer 0:00Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt 0:16Hello, everybody. This is Chris Hoyt with CareerXroads. And I have some fun folks with me today. And this is kind of an interesting piece. So we have Molly from Otis, we have Curtis from Elanco. And of course, we have Barb our own Barb Ruess is on. But it's kind of an interesting approach. So typically, what happens at the end of one of our CXR meetings is the team the CXR team, jumps right off the call and jumps on another call to do a recap of how we think it went. And did we have any big takeaways and what we feel like we might want to do differently, or what really, really spoke to us. And what I usually walk away with is like two pages of notes that are scribbles that we then sort of work through and decipher. But we thought this might be a fun time for us to open it up and bring in some of our meeting participants, and leaders who actually were in the meeting to get their insights as well. So Molly, I'm just I want to I want you to just really quick, if you just introduce yourself for a second, and you know who you are, what you do at Otis, how long you've been there. And then Curtis will do the same thing with you. And we'll just let's just have a conversation about how we think it went.

Molly Nuhring, Otis 1:24Yeah, sure. Um, so nice to meet all of you. My name is Molly Noreen, I lead talent acquisition at Otis elevators. So in addition to all the other fun things, we spun this year from United Technologies, and became an independent company, and listed on the New York Stock Exchange, about two weeks after COVID. So it's been one of those years, which has been absolutely nuts. But I've been at Otis for about five and a half years. And it's been really, really interesting the last nine months. So thank you for having me.

Chris Hoyt 1:57We're glad to have you. Yeah, it has not been a boring year for many of the organizations know that Curtis, I've known you through a few iterations of organizations. Good, it's good. We have you both on here this company interesting.

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 2:12Indeed, so Curtis Dorsey, Elanco, animal health, I've been with the organization, depending on how you count the time, 23,23 years, we actually were formally part of Eli Lilly and company, we actually spun out, you know, about 18 months ago, and then decided to, to acquire an organization two thirds our size, and launch workday and do all those things in the last couple of years. So, so I can, I can appreciate where Otis is Molly, and I'm a global talent acquisition for Elanco.

And have been doing so for the last three and a half years.

Chris Hoyt 2:51Fantastic. Now, today's meeting we did was diversity, equity, and inclusion. And as you guys know, historically, we have always woven some element of DNI into our topical meetings. And the topics are usually sourcing, branding, executive recruiting, leadership, you name it. But we felt with everything going on. And we made this decision, I guess, gosh, some eight, nine months ago, to begin building out meetings that were dedicated just to the UI, and the challenges that organizations are having. And so that's the meeting that we just wrapped up. And Curtis, I'm going to pick on you because you went last any any big takeaways. Like what how did how did you walk out of that meeting? Feeling?

Curtis Dorsey, Elanco 3:34Yeah, I apologize for some of the background noise. It was perfectly quiet in my house until just a moment ago. No, I think one of the one of the things that that I've always appreciated about about the sessions is the the ideation opportunity to to, you know, tackle, tackle real issues that everybody's either or, you know, some cases people have already tackled,