Chris Hoyt connects with eXpert Tease guest, Danielle Monaghan to talk about how Uber has retained Talent Acquisition talent during a time of reduced hiring and pandemic response.

Announcer 0:00Welcome to the CXR channel our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt 0:17All right, everybody. Welcome to CXR's eXpert Tease. I'm Chris Hoyt, president of CareerXroads. And I am bringing to you a new segment of our podcast that that literally sits us down for just a few moments with industry leaders to talk about lessons they've learned their biggest victories, career challenges, that type of thing. The thing worth noting, of course, is that these are just about 15 minutes in duration, it is an expert tees. Now, as I mentioned, each of the discussions have a focused topic. These include things like D and AI challenges, retention, sourcing, leadership, even ethics in recruitment. So if you're with us live, we're encouraging everyone to add questions to the chat area of the broadcast throughout the talk. And at the end of the segment, we'll take a question or two if we've the time. And then we'll move the rest of the conversation online to talent talks, which is an open and public exchange on the CXR website, when you can find [email protected]/talenttalks. So I'm pleased to address today's topic with industry friend, and the topic is talent retention. Now that is something that during a time of challenging economics, and workforce planning, and management is certainly top of mind for a lot of leaders. And so with me, is Danielle Monaghan, the VP of global talent, and mobility at Uber. Welcome, Danielle.

Danielle Monaghan, Uber 1:33Thank you.

Chris Hoyt 1:35Thanks for agreeing to be a guest on this week's eXpert Tease!

Danielle Monaghan, Uber 1:39Thank you for the invitation. I'm happy to be here.

Chris Hoyt 1:42So Danielle, what I'd like to ask you as a talent leader is is directly related to I think what so many other leaders are struggling with right now. And that's how to develop, retain, and even repurpose recruiting teams when recruitment hiring, slows down dramatically or even grinds to a halt. So do you have? Do you have some words of wisdom or some some experience that you'd like to share with the group with with regards to the topic?

Danielle Monaghan, Uber 2:09Yes, I definitely would love to share our experience, because as you can imagine, we we were in the thick of things, and we're still not, not all the way out. particularly given the the business that we're in, as you can imagine, the the rides business took a real hit for us globally with with no end in sight. Yet, the eats business absolutely soared. And then our freight business did did very well. And when COVID hit, we had a number of other businesses that we were building or experimenting with. And the company had to make some really, really tough trade offs, and decisions on what to stop, start and continue. And nobody knew when, when this would end the night. I don't think we do so. So so the tough decisions were made. And and it did mean that we were going to be a smaller company, and that we had to conduct layoffs. And so we had to also conduct layoffs in the TA team. But what we knew, and of course, what I know from 20 plus years of experience is the hiring will come back. It's very, very hard to rebuild hiring machines, if you have incredible talent, do whatever you can to keep that in incredible talent. But how do we keep them productive and engaged and happy in a time that we just don't know? What the next month or bring? So so what we did was we built a business case and with a few different hiring scenarios and hiring timelines, and then try to put some direct and indirect costs to this to show a case for rebuilding TA and what it would cost us and the...

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