Announcer 0:00Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Gerry Crispin 0:20I'm here with Carmen Hudson, who currently is just an extraordinary trainer and entrepreneur and just a friend. But once she's, you know, once she was a member many, many, many years ago, I think, I think, um, you were with Microsoft when I met you, but I know because I know you had a previous gig at Amazon. But I think it was when you were Microsoft.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 0:53I think I will actually, I was aware of you pre Amazon.

Gerry Crispin 0:59Got it was

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 0:59With Capital One.

Gerry Crispin 1:02Oh, wow.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 1:02Yes. And I think you did. You knew you guys did? And that wasn't you and Chris. Yeah, what's you and Mark, and you did a an event somewhere in Florida. And I went, I was working for Capital One. Ah, and that was my first you probably, I was just one of many of the crowd. So you probably didn't even know me. But I knew of you? And then didn't get to formally meet you until, ah, Microsoft.

Gerry Crispin 1:34That's cool. Yeah, probably, you and you, you know, kind of hung out, we hung out really, across a lot of different years. And I do one of the things that I remember most about you, because you always were always they're always present able to articulate really interesting ideas and insights about where you were into what you were trying to do. But the one time I remember you the most was, and I think somehow I think it was with Yahoo. It might might have been Yahoo, or it might have been Starbucks. But what I remember most is that you. You were talking about Twitter, this this really weird thing that had just been created. And you're already talking about recruiting on it, and I'm going, What the hell are you talking about? What that that sounds like the weirdest thing in the world to me. Why would you know, how could you possibly recruit with that? And I think you said something like, well, I just I just show up. And maybe it was Starbucks. I just show up on campus. I go to a Starbucks, and I let everybody in that in that college know, that, that I'm there and people show up. And I'm you know, I'm recruiting outside of the, you know, the campus or something. It was those kinds of things.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 3:08That that was that sounds like that was either? Probably, uh, I think that that had to be it had to be a Yahoo. That sounds like that was around that time. Probably. I just probably made it to Yahoo. And yeah, that's just because by that time, remember, I just would have my CareerXroads membership written into my offer letter.

Gerry Crispin 3:32Yeah. I love that. You were you were a member in three or four different at least four different organizations that over the time until, of course, you went to the dark side. Left talent acquisition totally said, You know what? Maybe I could make a living some other way that are fun for you.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 3:53Yeah,

Gerry Crispin 3:54I've been How long have you been on your own? Um, I have, you know, with, you know, recruiting toolbox. Anything else?

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 4:05I think I left Yahoo in 2004-2003.

Gerry Crispin 4:14Wow.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 4:15Yeah, it's been a while.

Gerry Crispin 4:18It's been a good while.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 4:19It's been a good one. No, no, I take that back. I left Yahoo in 2010

Gerry Crispin 4:24

Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. Okay. 10 years. You can never go back. Could you?

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 4:32I couldn't. I've even said okay, I'll try and then I have a conversation. I just started telling people the way that it should be.