Sit back and listen as William Wiggins leans in and gets Carmen Hudson to share her experiences with inequality and racism in a way that only a life partner could.

Announcer 0:02You're listening to Moments That Matter. A special CXR podcast series where leaders and talent professionals share their own experiences with varying aspects of discrimination and inequality. Here on Moments That Matter, we are dedicated to creating connected conversations around specific moments. These are moments that matter.

William Wiggins, Virginia Mason Medical Center 0:26Good afternoon everyone, this is William Wiggins, coming to you from CareerXroads. In our series, that we're called Moments That Matter. moments that matter are experiences that we're communicating to our public that have been recorded or remembered by black, brown and people of diversity, where they first experienced, we're calling it woke moments in the workplace, it would be an experience that they've had, or something that they have had done to them or set them where they realize, hmm, not in Kansas anymore. And my experience is very different from that of the people that I work with. I interviewed just three weeks ago, Shelia Grey from quadron. And we had a really, really good conversation about moments that matter, I hope you tuned in. And I hope you enjoy what we have to say. And this week, I have the pleasure of interviewing my wife, Carmen Hudson, who has experienced many moments that matter as well. I'm hoping that this will be a good and fruitful interview for everyone, because Carmen and I have been together for 25 years. And we have experienced each other's moments that matter. She's been there when I've come home cursing or almost in tears, about things that have happened to me and I have been there for her as well. And so today, I hope you enjoy what we have to say and more importantly, I hope that you can gather, get something from what we have to say. And perhaps it might impact your experience in your workplace and how you treat people that are working alongside you. Welcome, Carmen

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 2:05How are you?

William Wiggins, Virginia Mason Medical Center 2:06I'm doing well.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 2:08How are you in the other room?

William Wiggins, Virginia Mason Medical Center 2:11I'm doing well.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 2:13That's good.

William Wiggins, Virginia Mason Medical Center 2:14Okay,

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 2:15This is funny. I'm ready

William Wiggins, Virginia Mason Medical Center 2:18Let's get started. I want you to. I probably know every moment that matters that you've had, you know, all the moments that matter that I've had, but I want you to give us an instance when you were in the workplace. I think I know a couple but I want to hear from you, I want you to give us an incident where you first realized that this is going to be a struggle. Give us a story something that is your unique experience where you you it was a woke moment for you woke in terms of them. When I say woke, woke in terms of you realize, like I said you're not in Kansas anymore, my experience is going to be very different here than someone else's experience is going to be. And I'd like to hear from you what that is or what those are.

Carmen Hudson, Recruiting Toolbox 3:05I think for me, my very first, or at least the first woke moment that I remember, was probably after college, and I moved from Detroit to Chicago went to school, in outside of Chicago, then I moved home for a little bit and then I moved back and I was excited to move back and start my life as an adult. And I partied, of course and use up all my money until very last moment. So I had to go and get a temp job. That's that's where it started. So I went to my my temp assignment, I signed up and I gotten an assignment. I'm very excited because I got to my first assignment was at an architectural firm,