Announcer 0:00Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt 0:16Hello everybody This is Chris Hoyt with CareerXroads. I have my business partner Gerry, on the line with me today, Gerry, how are ya?

Gerry Crispin 0:24I'm, I'm wonderful partner. Life is good

Chris Hoyt 0:28So the topic we're gonna talk about today quick broadcast, because we've got a little special something that a handful of folks in the space have been working on and something that I think it's actually been boiling up for a number of months, if not at least a year with us. Yeah. Is is the announcement of the new CXR Foundation, a nonprofit that has just been formed and established.

Gerry Crispin 0:52Yeah,

Chris Hoyt 0:53Yeah. And I guess I've got I've got you on the line today, because I just thought it would be interesting for us to talk a little bit about why, why this and why this now and share that with everybody where headspace is at. So I guess my first question to Gerry is like, what, why on earth? Did we form a nonprofit?

Gerry Crispin 1:13I think a nonprofit has a different kind of mission. And, and the mission is not just to make money, it has to be a business in the sense that it has to pay for itself. But its goal is not to make the owners rich. And there's a transparency around nonprofits from a public point of view, that kind of helps that along. But I do think the attitude has to be there as well. And I do think that we've been talking about and doing things for, for the space for the industry, for many years. I mean, just because and and we've been very fortunate and very privileged to be able to have the kind of where with all to spend time to try to help others, you know, within our space and to bring people together. And I think we recognize that our success has been about community, that's a part of our industry, which is the the practitioners and very large companies. But what's left out, in part because of our business model is the ability to bring literally everybody in our space vendors, consultants, you know, service suppliers, practitioners together to solve common problems for industry, that, that we believe, you know, are part of the challenge that make this not just a profession, but but a place that we're proud of. And I think there's enough people in our space who want to work together to work on problems bigger than themselves bigger than their employer. And I think this gives us the platform to be able to, to accomplish that at least that's, that's my aspiration.

Chris Hoyt 3:07Yeah, I agree with you. And I think we've we've already sort of been doing some stuff. You know, we were just talking about this the other day, like this sort of goes hand in hand, along the lines with the work we were doing in local communities, right with the CXR Cares efforts.

Gerry Crispin 3:20Without a doubt, I think, a, a foundation, if you will, a nonprofit that's focused in on our should be at varying levels. So our ability to go into a different community that and help our members realize that this is kind of a you know, every community is unique, it has a special set of issues, we tend to look only at those people that we're trying to hire. But the fact is, there are people who might eventually become hireable, that we should maybe be adding some value to people who have disabilities, people who may have had some hard times, and then fundamentally can come back into the workforce. And I think that's part of how we have to give back in total. And so that's at one level another level, we want to be able to encourage recruiters to think beyond putting a body in a seat. And that fundamentally, they have a responsibility in the, in the community to to kind of engage and and kind of provide help to those people looki...