This week, Steve hijacks the show! He talks with Brittney Moses, a clinical Psychology student, app developer, and writer at the intersection of faith & mental health. She has some amazing things to say and share with us. Also, apparently Steve's inner critic is named 'Robert,' which I find highly offensive.

Things mentioned in this episode:-Brittney's 7 Day Anxiety Detox E-Series can be found here.-Read Brittney's post, 'Setting Boundaries with Your Inner Critic' here.

Connect with Brittney on her website, on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, or download her app!

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Quotes:- "I believe that we all deal with mental health issues on a spectrum...but we can journey together through it." (tweet)- "What [your journey] looks like now isn't what it's always going to look like. It's a journey." (tweet)- "What you believe about yourself & the way that you talk to yourself, that is the biggest voice that is guiding your life." (tweet)- "You can separate yourself from your thoughts." (tweet)- "The moment that you're questioning if you should get help, that's usually a sign you should. You're having that thought for a reason." (tweet)- "Don't let anybody shame you out of getting the help that you need, even yourself." (tweet)- "Even therapists have therapists. Therapy is not for crazy people. It's not even just for people who are mentally ill. It's for anybody who's just stuck in their lives, within themselves, and they're having a hard time digging their way out." (tweet)- "The truth is that we can't dig ourselves out of a hole. You need someone who's outside of it to reach down and pull you out." (tweet)

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Connect with Robert on his websiteTwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Connect with Steve on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and his website.

Intro/outro music on this episode is Hidden Personality by CloZee.

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