Today we talk about the experience of using a successful app, and how design plays a crucial role in that. If you want to AVOID your app becoming one of the 90% that fail on launch, you need tune in.

Good design is a make or break thing for a mobile app. And too often people think design is just about things looking nice. And sure pretty things are cool, but they feel optional right? Compared to functionality at least. Weeellll, there's more to it than that.

In this episode we’ll be looking at the different types of design, what they do for an app, and why they are crucial. I’ll also cover strategies for developing a good design. And lastly, how design differs on a mobile platform.

If you are committed to creating an app that dominates the mobile market, join me on May 1st as I host a free, 2-hour masterclass on "How To Create Successful Apps". You will learn the 3 key stages every successful app goes through and exactly where to start to make your app idea, real. 

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Find the full show notes over on our blog at

If you have any questions at all, you can always email me on [email protected]

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