What is affinage? Simply put, it’s the art of ripening cheese. However, as you’ll learn on this episode of Cutting the Curd, it’s a complicated art that is as challenging as it is rewarding. Hear from Susan Sturman, of the Academie Opus Caseus, a school for cheese professionals in France with a program in English for anglophone cheese professionals worldwide as she explains the school’s programs in affinage. Later in the show, affinage expert ­Laini Fondilier of Lazy Lady Farm joins in and continues the conversation. Learn out all about the art of affinage on this educational episode of Cutting the Curd! Thanks to our sponsor, Academie Opus Caseus.

“There’s a lot of science behind [affinage], but it’s highly empirical. You just have to watch!” [6:00]

— Sustan Sturman on Cutting the Curd