Today Jess delivers us our third tale of moral panic on Dungeons and Dragons itself. in the 1970s and 1980’s as this game was growing in popularity there were many who believed it may lead kids down a path of delusion and devil worship. Today’s epic of an episode covers the origins of D&D, the …

78- Dungeons and Dragons is the Devil!Read More »

Today Jess delivers us our third tale of moral panic on Dungeons and Dragons itself. in the 1970s and 1980’s as this game was growing in popularity there were many who believed it may lead kids down a path of delusion and devil worship. Today’s epic of an episode covers the origins of D&D, the first big cases associated with the game, and the evangelical backlash that connected the game to Satan himself. You have to investigate the wild videos referenced in today show so we’ll attach them to the notes too!

Special Shout out to Liar City and numerous other podcasts for helping guide the research!

Clips of Monsters and Mazes – With Tom Hanks!60 Minutes Interview on D&DDark Dungeons Chick Tract
Possessed FigurinesSatanism Unmasked!The entire Movie of Monsters and Mazes

Sources – 1 2 3 4 5 6