This week on the 'Cut to the Race' podcast - Oli, Dan, Matt and Callum sat down to discuss, Imola, Portimao and the news we've missed over the past few weeks.
The panel discuss the Russell/Bottas incident that got everyone talking, and each draw their own conclusions about who was to blame, before moving on to cover the other talking points from the weekend and crediting Lewis Hamilton's incredible comeback drive.
The news over the past fortnight includes F1 heading to Miami, Suzuka extending its contract, Canada being replaced with Turkey, and the news of sprint races.The panel unanimously agreed Suzuka was one of the best circuits on the calendar, but the Turkey/Canada swap caused some discussion, as did the Miami Grand Prix set for 2022 and beyond.Sprint races also divided the panel as some love the idea, and some didn't, but all were in agreement it's nice to see F1 trying something new!
As discussion turned to Portimao the panel all decided to gang up on Dan and laid into Bottas' failed ability to turn a strong pole position into a race win. A track limits debate soon started, and all the panel agreed the actions of car #9 were unacceptable from a Formula 1 driver.Drivers of the day were decided and we now look ahead to the Spanish Grand Prix this coming weekend.
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