We struggle through this emotional episode in utter disbelief that Grosjean escaped almost certain death.

 This week on the panel we welcome Oli, Matt, Will, and Callum to talk us
through the first race at Bahrain and their reactions over the course of the
(extended) race.
The panel starts off by recounting the extraordinary events and details of
Romain Grosjean’s much covered crash. The panel was actually watching
the race together as a first to and we get a glimpse into what their
interactions and reactions were with one another. With the, sometimes
debated HALO saving Romain and allowing him to escape with minor burns,
fans the world over will relate to the reaction the team has and how hard it
was to watch such an unprecedented accident in this “safe” era of F1.
Safety was a very common theme throughout the race broadcast and the
podcast episode due to the events on track. Matt gives a very brief overview
of just how far we have come from the old days and a few safety
implementations since then. Will provides us with an easily relatable yet in
depth look at the Halo system and the impact it has had. The panel also
briefly touches on the perception of the modern day F1 driver and remind us
of the inherent dangers motor racing entails.
As always, the gang circle back around to ruminate on Sergio Perez and what
next year holds in store for him. From a brilliant race to a fiery retirement to
possibilities outside of Formula One all are discussed. Sergio had a very
strong race and that could make the decision for Red Bull even more
difficult. But what does the press conference slated for Monday, November
30th have in store for us? Will we hear from Red Bull or is Checo being forced
to announce the end of his road in F1 for now?

Next week, F1 will run a very high speed iteration of the current Bahrain
track. With Mercedes’ dominance and the straights being the key points of
contention, the Nerds look ahead to make their best guesses at what the
second race holds for us. Some hyperbole leads to a discussion of the
largest victories in racing history and some other humorous stats and quips.
To close out this week, our panel take a brief look at the constructor and
driver standings. Who was right in their guesses from last week? What
teams and drivers made the biggest strides forward? How cheeky can Callum
be if he was right?

Overall our lads remembered to keep it light despite the
emotional aftermath that was this race. While maybe not the best overall
race this year (or even close to it) theres still plenty to be discussed out in
the desert