Steve Hopkins is the Director of Customer Success and Support at Culture Amp - a company focused on helping businesses measure culture and gain insights from their employees. In this episode Steve shares his tips for how to measure culture, how to change your culture, and the importance of listening to your staff on a regular basis.


Resources mentioned:

Culture Amp (website)
Dare to Lead (book), Brené Brown
The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership (book), by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, & Kaley Klemp.


Key takeaways (starts at 30:37):

Think about the five views which make up culture.
Listen and act on data, and then re-measure.
Ask your staff whether they are proud to work at the company.
Get the day-to-day things right for effective culture change.

This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.