Sonya Lacore is the Vice President of Inflight Operations at Southwest Airlines, an airline known for delivering on customer experience. Sonya runs a team that manages the 16,000 flight attendants at Southwest Airlines and is responsible for making sure staff deliver on the organisations core values. In this episode Sonya shares her tips for how to bring large teams of staff along on your vision, and why it’s important for management to always spend time with their front line employees.


Resources mentioned:

Grit (book), by Angela Duckworth
TED (website)
Michael Momsen (LinkedIn)
Adam Jaffrey (LinkedIn)


Key takeaways (starts at 36:29):

Care about staff so they can care about your customers.
Management should spend time with front-line staff on a regular basis.
Empower your staff to make decisions and take ownership.
Invest in your internal communications to keep everyone on the same page.

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