Teresa Sperti is the Chief Marketing Officer at World Vision, a charity known across the world for the support they bring in times of need. In this episode, we talk about how World Vision’s plans to keep the work they do relevant to customers on digital platforms. We also discuss the need for transparency with customers and how you keep customers engaged with the core mission of your business.


Resources mentioned:

Live, Lead, Learn (book), by Gail Kelly.
Service Design: From Insight to implementation (book), by Andy Polaine, Lavrans Løvlie, and Ben Reason.
Value Proposition Design (book), by Strategyzer.
The Field Guide to Human Centered Design (book), by IDEO.


Key takeaways (starts at 35:58):

Use human-centred design (HCD) when thinking about your customer experience.
Consider all the stakeholders involved in executing a campaign.
Think about what parts of your business you want your customers to experience (backstage vs centre-stage).
Don’t just invest in technology, invest in people and process.

This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit wavelengthcreative.com for more information.