Jonah Staw is the Head of Ultimate Ears Custom Earphones, a division of Logitech which is tasked with creating bespoke, customised, audio products. In this episode, he takes us behind the scenes of how you deliver customised products at scale, and shares some tips on how to unlock great experiences in the most unexpected ways.


Resources mentioned:ย 

Joe Roganโ€™s Elon Musk interview (podcast)
The Sixth Man (book), by Andre Iguodala.
Michael Momsen (LinkedIn)
Adam Jaffrey (LinkedIn)


Key takeaways (starts at 31:27):

Sell your โ€˜whyโ€™ and not your โ€˜whatโ€™.
Keep iterating.
Always be on the lookout for ways to unlock a customer experience.
Embrace a growth mindset.

This show is produced in collaboration with Wavelength Creative. Visit for more information.