Each step is the furthest from home that the sojourners have been and they take plenty of them into this strange and somewhat pleasant world. The gang learn the ropes of surviving outside of Gimle, get used to managing their water and rations, and meet an unlikely friend.

Larkspur has been played by Jen Vaughn, who can be found on twitter @thejenya, and who's work can be found on hauntedvaultstudios.com
Yesena is played by Barbara Perez Marquez, who can be found online @mustachebabs. Check out her work via mustachebabs.com
Clive is played by Paul Harpring, who can be found online @paul_harpring
Matt is around online just about everywhere @kintarotpc
The podcast can be followed @thecrowdex and the website is crowscodex.com

Music for this podcast is by Kevin MacLeod, who's works can be found at incompetech.filmmusic.io

The tracks used in this episode is:
Long Road Ahead B by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3995-long-road-ahead-b
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Temple of the Manes by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4468-temple-of-the-manes
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

The world and Non-Player-Characters are mine. Information about the Ryuutama game system can be found via http://kotohi.com/ryuutama/