Here is a short transcript of the announcements from the audio in case you don't feel like downloading it:

"Hey, GM Matt here with a couple announcements. Sorry for the sound quality, I'm stuck with a bit of a make-shift setup temporarily.

First on the docket is that CoL will be taking a short break. There has been some unfortunate circumstances that lead to this but things will eventually get back to a regular schedule.

Secondly, because of the situation involving Mike Mearls at Wizards of The Coast, Col is going to be exploring some third party tabletop RPGs in the form of one-shots. These will be one or two episode short stories taking place in the Curse of Lords universe either before the events of the campaign or during the campaign. For more information about what has gone on with Mike Mearls, take a look through the hashtag #firemikemearls on twitter. There's a lot to go through and I don't want to get something wrong. Be warned though that the situation involves abuse.

Because of the way Wizards of the Coast handled this, we as a podcast have elected to change to a different system. The feeling is that by sticking to 5th edition DnD, as a podcast we are in a way endorsing the way Wizards handled this situation or at the very least suggesting that it is not important. You're free to disagree with this assessment, and we don't begrudge others for not dropping DnD content. This is a personal decision.

So in short, there might be a month or month and a half stretch where there are no new episodes, but we will be back. Thank you for your patience and stay safe!"