Whether you're new to a plant based diet or you've been eating a whole foods diet for years we've all fell prey to some common myths. Many of these myths are what keep people from making the change or are the source of the many questions we get an a nearly daily basis. We had the chance to speak with Paola Aldana-Reyes, a registered and licensed dietitian, about these myths. She gave some hard facts to dispel these misconceptions to help you and others break through to a greater understanding of health.

The protein myth

Animal vs plant protein
Higher protein doesn’t mean “bigger muscles”
Health halo of added protein

Getting inadequate calcium

Milk is not a good source
Dairy uses calcium and minerals to level the system
Plant sources

Excess carbohydrates

Types of carbohydrates
Fruit is a good energy source
Low carb vs high carb (better for energy)

Not getting enough calories

Veggies are low cal high nutrient
Quality calories
Higher calorie foods

Higher food expense

Low cost ideas (frozen and bulk)
Lower medical cost
Pound for pound veggies are cheaper than animal products

Restrictive food choices

Can have vs can’t have
Simply replacing animal products not the whole meal
Assuming we only eat tofu and salads

Constant bloating & gas

Higher fiber content
Typical when starting
Remedies / “low gas” foods (stepping into diet)

Constant nutrient tracking

Torre Washington
Balanced diet
Quality vs quantity (not eating the same things)

Long term sustainability (fad diet)

Greatly reduces risk of preventable illnesses
Much easier now and getting better

Supplement requirements

B12 and D3
Omega Fatty acids
Getting levels checked (take lowest levels for imbalance)


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