Episode 9:  What is manifesting? Does manifesting actually work?

In this week’s episode, Tracey and Cayly talk about manifesting — a word they see being tossed around a lot in the self-help and personal development arena — often to the detriment of those who fall prey to the hype. They discuss the ways in which our attempts to manifest can go wrong and leave us feeling less content in the end. They also talk about how to manifest effectively and what that looks like in their own lives. Other highlights include:


- How do we define manifesting? Do Tracey and Cayly believe in it?

- Relationship between spirituality, religion, and manifesting?

- Our thoughts about The Secret and our gripes with it (https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Rhonda-Byrne/dp/1582701709)

- How Cayly got sucked into the Secret for a while when she was younger and her experience with it

- How Tracey talks with her clients about manifesting in their lives

- The difference between passive and active manifesting

- Can you manifest a partner? How?

- What happened when Cayly made a list of all the qualities she wanted in a partner

- Tracey’s perspective on luck and how it relates to manifesting

- Why writing things down and meditating on them can be an important part of the process

- Tracey’s 3 steps to change a habit

- Should we entertain the worst case scenario or fear our negative thought patterns?

- Are some of us wired to be more pessimistic and focused on the negative in general? Or is this learned?

- Interpersonal neurobiology (http://www.drdansiegel.com/about/interpersonal_neurobiology/) and neuroscience as they relate to our ways of thinking

- How bodywork, exercise, and movement can help us rewire our brains

- Why physical therapy made Cayly cry

- The role climbing a rope played in Tracey’s divorce

- The Art of Taking Action by Gregg Krech (https://www.amazon.com/Art-Taking-Action-Japanese-Psychology-ebook/dp/B00PR814K0)

- And more!


Other links:

Oregon Humane Society  https://www.oregonhumane.org/

Pixie Project  http://www.pixieproject.org/