In this episode, Tracey and Cayly explore how owning the seemingly crazy things about yourself can be beneficial and actually create more intimacy in your relationships. Highlights include:


- “Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person” (Please note that we attributed this article to Oliver Burkeman instead of Alain de Botton, who actually wrote it. Oops! Sorry!)

- Naming the elephant in the room

- Brene Brown and the antidote to shame  

- Who do you share your crazy and shame story with?

- Sharing your crazy and building trust

- How Cayly and Tracey both own their crazy with their current partners

- Building intimacy by being vulnerable

- How owning your crazy with a partner can normalize it

- Naming your idiosyncrasies gives others permission to do the same

- Taking responsibility for your own stuff even while sharing it with others

- Self-compassion and allowing yourself to be imperfect

- And more!