On this episode of Curious & Curiouser, Tracey and Cayly are asking the question:


How do you know when you need to push yourself a little bit more and when you actually need to rest?


This is a question both Tracey and Cayly find themselves asking on a regular basis in their own lives, and even more so in recent weeks. In this conversation, they talk about how to identify burnout, how to deal with burnout when it arises, and why the idea that we can ever achieve perfect balance is a myth.


Tracey talks about how winter in Portland affects her — especially the long hours of darkness — and Cayly talks about why she believes vacations are so important — especially for anyone who works in a service-based profession, is self-employed, or both.


If you have been feeling burned out lately, this episode is for you. Also:  You are not alone. We promise.


As always, reviews and 5-star ratings in iTunes are appreciated, so please jump over to the show page and leave the show some love. Tracey and Cayly would be super grateful!


Highlights from this episode:


- Are we sandbagging or are we actually exhausted? How do we tell the difference?

- Are we just being lazy or do we need to rest and recover?

- When was the last time Tracey took a whole week off work? What does Cayly think about this?

- Why vacations and unplugging from work are important

- Feelings of guilt about taking time off

- The struggle to take vacations when you are self-employed, especially in a culture that celebrates overworking

- Getting curious about our feelings of burnout

- The problem with staying plugged in when you’re on vacation and the importance of making yourself unavailable at least once a year

- Using your email auto-reply and your voicemail outgoing message to your advantage in order to avoid burnout

- Can you feel burnout from housework and cooking?

- Stella’s Kitchen (http://stellaskitchenco.com/ ) and Sun Basket (https://sunbasket.com/)

- How Cayly adjusts her schedule in order to facilitate vacation

- The importance of knowing your threshold and not comparing yourself to others

- How the weather in the PNW contributes to feelings of burnout

- How Tracey is using the app controlled lightbulbs to help her battle winter blues

- What Chinese medicine says about seasonal changes and the urge to rest more in the winter

- Being resentful of our own choices

- Why finding your limits sometimes requires going past them

- Is it ok to burn out sometimes?

- Balance vs. alignment, and why we need to zoom the lens out when we talk about balance

- Why Balance is Elusive But Alignment is Essential on Cayly’s website (http://organicacupunctureportland.com/balance-elusive-alignment-essential/)

- And more!