Well, we’re here! Our 100th and final episode. Tracey and I thought it was only fitting to spend some time talking about goodbyes and transitions as we say farewell to this project after two years of making it. In this conversation, we talk about relationships, identity, scarcity, and a concept Brene Brown calls “foreboding joy.” We hope you enjoy this discussion.

Topics discussed include:

Our feelings about saying goodbye to the podcast Staying in relationships too long because you’re afraid to say goodbye Preventative medicine for relationship health Issues in relationships never come out of nowhere Transitions in relationships and saying goodbye to previous incarnations of the same relationship Missing the younger versions of your kids as they age and not wanting your kids to grow up Our reluctance to let go of peak experiences (i.e. foreboding joy) Scarcity mindset about joy We can’t live in a state of elation all the time How old we are vs. how old we FEEL Saying goodbye to old identities Inside/outside congruency We are capable of feeling multiple feelings at the same time The power of changing one thing And more!

Thank you so much for joining us over the past two years. Tracey and I have absolutely loved making this podcast and we are going to miss connecting with all of you every week. To keep updated on what we’ve got going on next, including in person workshops here in Portland, please follow me on Instagram (@caylyc.acu) and sign up to receive my newsletter by going here. We hope to meet some of you face to face in the coming months.

Remember that the podcast will live on in iTunes indefinitely, so please continue to refer your friends and loved ones to episodes of the show you think they might enjoy. If you’d like to work with either Tracey or myself individually, please visit Tracey at Practical Parenting PDX or me at Organic Acupuncture PDX.

Thanks again for all the support. We couldn’t have made it this far without all our loyal listeners supporting us.

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Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Stasia Savasuk and Style School