Jason Loo is a Toronto-based comic book writer and illustrator known for creating Toronto's very own super hero - the Pitiful Human Lizard! The series follows Lucas Barrett, a 9-5 office lackey who moonlights as a struggling superhero during his free time. 

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Get in touch with Jason on twitter @rebel_loo and get your copy of the Pitiful Human Lizard at Chapter House Publishing.

"I'M FEELING CURIOUS" LINK OF THE DAY: Scientific journals tricked into publishing articles about Midi-Chlorians

Jason Loo is a Toronto-based comic book writer and illustrator known for creating Toronto's very own super hero - the Pitiful Human Lizard! The series follows Lucas Barrett, a 9-5 office lackey who moonlights as a struggling superhero during his free time. 

Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, and Google Play Music!

Head to Casptertrial.com/staycurious for $50 your next Casper Matress purchase!

Support the Curiosity in Focus podcast on Patreon at www.patreon.com/curiosityinfocus

Twitter @danielhkwan & curiousinfocus
Instagram @danielhkwan
YouTube: www.youtube.com/curiosityinfocus
Facebook: www.facebook.com/curiosityinfocus

Get in touch with Jason on twitter @rebel_loo and get your copy of the Pitiful Human Lizard at Chapter House Publishing.

"I'M FEELING CURIOUS" LINK OF THE DAY: Scientific journals tricked into publishing articles about Midi-Chlorians