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Curiosity Epidemic

24 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 5 years ago -

Podcast by Curiosity Epidemic

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Badly Designated Heroes S1 E24 The Boss Fight Isn't Rats (although there is one present)

September 14, 2019 11:00 - 59 minutes - 42.2 MB

My friends! I knew you’d come! I... knew you’d be here... Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places h...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E23 It All Comes Together

August 31, 2019 11:00 - 55 minutes - 39.7 MB

The penultimate episode of the season. We have bandits that turn out well informed as to who we are… and they quickly work out where we are. At least we get some quick answers on why they’re here in the form of some vital information about what one of the Moores has seemingly been up to. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E22 Horsebolg Hoofprints

July 28, 2019 11:00 - 58 minutes - 41.8 MB

The party return from their very very brief beach trip to discover that everything is bandits and on fire. Time to crush some heads and decide if Lord Moore was right about needing an entire company of the adventurers guild after all. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E21 -Throne Of Sand

July 14, 2019 11:00 - 1 hour - 55.6 MB

We went and split the party. Enough and Trees head to the deepest depths of the ocean in search of fewer bloody rats. A half orc, a crocodile, a man with a pan stuck on his head and a dog play on the beach. William Moore has been left with a pen unsupervised. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places h...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E20 - That meeting was a beach

June 29, 2019 13:43 - 1 hour - 61.4 MB

The party head to the meeting with the various authorities in the town, while looking forward to the trip to the sea with Anna, completely oblivious to the fact the sea might come see them a little sooner. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places https://itunes....

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E19 Goofing Off

June 15, 2019 11:00 - 27 minutes - 16.7 MB

Having run out of recorded material because people keep insisting on having lives, this week the badly designated heroes cast tip out the box of random nonsense we cut out and try pass it off as content. @curiosityepidemic…d1450755024?mt=2 @ja...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E17 - Remorsel

June 01, 2019 10:01 - 1 hour - 66.6 MB

Having got to the mayor's manor and found it seemingly deserted Thomas and the Badly Designated Heroes headed upstairs and into a fight with the now ratty-fied mayor. Will our heroes defeat the mighty boss monster? Or will they get squished and left for dead in their own web spells? @curiosityepidemic…d1450755024?mt=2

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E18 - Tray-Z Breakfast

June 01, 2019 09:53 - 40 minutes - 27.3 MB

Having emerged victorious from their battle with the Mayor-rat, the Badly Designated Heroes take the body to the guard captain to keep safe until they can decide what's best to do next. After such a pitched battle, they decide to have a delicious breakfast with the mysterious owner of The Peacock's Feather. @curiosityepidemic…d1450755024?mt=2

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E16 - The Rat of Lordly Might

May 18, 2019 12:45 - 39 minutes - 24 MB

The Badly Designated Heroes may have finally met a worthy match, deep in the bowels of the Mayoral Estate of Gia; how will the group (minus Gary) fare? Plugs Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E15 Conchblocking Gary

May 06, 2019 16:26 - 1 hour - 53.9 MB

Will Doggo make it to safe shores? How will our Badly Designated Heroes fare against foes in the sea? Is Gary still the worst? Find out on this week’s episode: Conchblocking Gary Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E14 - Choppy Waters

April 27, 2019 11:57 - 1 hour - 42.7 MB

The Badly Designated Heroes have gone back to the Moore House, hoping to get some useful equipment (or maybe just something they can sell). Trees finally makes use of the magic spear, but you’ll have to wait and see how that goes. Plugs Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E13 Despite All My Rage

April 20, 2019 12:10 - 1 hour - 45.2 MB

S1 E13 Despite All My Rage This week the badly designated heroes engage in some police brutality, and brutality some police. Balance in all things, except perhaps Gary’s emotional state. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E12 A Night On The Tiles

April 13, 2019 11:19 - 1 hour - 42.4 MB

S1 E12 A Night On The Tiles Enough is taking prisoners, Litonk is feeling guilt, and Trees is explaining compassion to a dog. Somehow, Anna at the Peacocks Feather still isn’t totally done with everybody. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places https://itunes....

Bearly Designated Heroes S1 E11 Special

April 06, 2019 11:00 - 1 hour - 45.2 MB

This week we have a very special guest DM to fill in for Nick- it's Janes lovely fiancee Laura Kate Dale, leading us off on a one-shot adventure with three simple concepts: -Wear hats -Steal Honey -You're a goddamn bear Our usual brand of incompetent role playing, now with way more bear puns, the same number of pots, and one fewer welsh accents. Credit for the 'Honey Heist' one-page RPG goes to Grant Howitt on Patreon who can be found here: Here are a few ...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E10 Wererat? There Rat!

March 30, 2019 12:00 - 1 hour - 51.1 MB

There’s probably a better way of helping a town being taken over by a rat plague than pretending to be an expert in something you’ve just encountered for the first time. Nobody told Trees unfortunately. Elsewhere, Enough’s wererat bite is definitely getting warmer, and… wetter? LiThomas have a run in with some disruptive townsfolk, and Goldie really divides some of the crowd. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in a...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E9 Loss, Fruit, and Infanticide

March 23, 2019 12:00 - 1 hour - 45 MB

On the hunt for a lead as to the reason for the mass report of disappearances, we discover what we’re not good at today- social skills, buying food, tolerating annoying people (hypocritical, I know) and anything related to stealth. We also get to meet a lovely woman and her super well-behaved kids. The whole family’s so happy and cohesive they’re practically glowing… it winds up being a pretty painful experience for Thomas and Enough. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E8 Secondary Plot Thread

March 16, 2019 12:00 - 1 hour - 41.3 MB

Incase the immortality situation at the Moore estate wasn't intrigue enough, this week we explore a set of very suspicious missing peoples reports, starting when we find out who's walking up behind Litonk. Shipping begins to happen <3... oh and a huge tangent about wooden shacks and unwanted nudes. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E7 - F*** Your Horses

March 09, 2019 12:00 - 51 minutes - 32.7 MB

Having learnt what comes of leaving unchecked evil in the Moore estate, it's time to go see what unchecked crazy went and did there instead. You'll be impressed by what William can do with a dead guy and too much free time... Some of the party certainly won't be, but at least we finally find out what's been eating away at him. Plugs Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of places https://curiosityepidem...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E6 Mount-ing Tensions

March 02, 2019 12:00 - 1 hour - 55.1 MB

Join us again to see how far Trees and Litonk can push Enough towards the end of her tether. They make a great go of it before heading to the ApothoMerry where there’s some rather unsettling news waiting. It’s also about now I started to suspect Nic was in a huff with us for teasing him about the rat thing and now it’s just going to be all rats all the time. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if you’re curious about any of us we can be found in all kinds of place...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E2 Rats, Reptiles and References

March 02, 2019 00:00 - 47 minutes - 36.1 MB

So, after that first episode we successfully managed to win you over and didn’t just end up ‘fighting rats in dungeons’ like so many D&D campaigns seem to do. We’re better than that, right? Riiiiiight? Wait… Nick, why are you sweating? *Sigh* So this week we throw Trees, Litonk and Enough down a cellar for a bit. Its way better than that sounds, honestly. In far more exciting news, adorable fan art: Check out @hi_drob on twitter who d...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E5 Bed, Bath, and Begone

February 23, 2019 12:00 - 54 minutes - 38.4 MB

Well, that was a lot to take in. Time to run off and hero? Probably. Time to take a long rest first? Definitely. Unchecked evil can’t get that out of hand, right? Join the party as they bicker, perturb strangers, throw food about and walk the dog. They’re starting to act like a real family. Oh, and there’s a real treat for Trees fans, or fans of wood in general. The more astute among you may have noticed by now that Jane has goofed her animal spells. We didn’t until the next recording, episo...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E4 Unreasonable Beauty Standards

February 16, 2019 12:00 - 38 minutes - 27.3 MB

Oooooh, Nic’s gonna get in trouble. We don’t boss-shame on this podcast (we do intend to fight them to the death where necessary but that’s a different matter, and IMO way less rude) anyway, get stoked, the answers to the point of everything in that chest full of stuff and things are just around the corner. Metaphorically, where we left you last time there was just an unknown scary round the literal corner. WoOoOoO. Get hyped. Check out @hi_drob on twitter who did our amazing artwork, and if...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E3 Heaving Chest

February 09, 2019 12:00 - 52 minutes - 37.7 MB

Right, don’t pretend you were expecting undead snappers to climb the bloody walls last week- we weren’t. Anyway, you should probably keep listening to see if they survive that encounter. If you heard that we’re like 5 episodes ahead or whatever, just ignore that and pretend there’s some real peril going on or something, it’s more fun that way. Plus there’s an exciting chest to open- we literally named the episode after it, that’s how you know it’s good. Oh, also Litonk finds a way to annoy us...

Badly Designated Heroes S1 E1 A Merry Meet

January 26, 2019 00:00 - 48 minutes - 37.5 MB

What happens when you get two newbies, an arguably competent friend, and a DM that hasn’t read a rulebook since third edition and leave them to make a hopefully entertaining 5e real play Dungeons and Dragons podcast? Well, this. Join Becky Toothill, Jane Magnet and …James as they explore the crumbling region of The Moors as well as the limits of NicFlair’s patience as he guides them through their first meeting as Enough, a fancy Tiefling wizard, Trees, a decidedly unfancy Firbolg druid, and ...

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