In this episode I talk to Maeve Hanan of Dietetically Speaking, a registered Dietitian and nutritional consultant. 

Maeve explains her idea of nutri-bollocks: bad science and guidance in nutrition. She tells us how to spot nutribollocks, and how we can figure out who to trust when it comes ot nutrition information.

Maeve graduated with a First Class BSc Honours Degree in Dietetics from the University of Ulster Coleraine (Northern Ireland), has experience in Dietetics within the NHS and has written for a number of popular nutrition blogs as well as acting as consultant for journalists and media.

Maeve has just released a book called Your No-Nonsense Guide to Eating Wellwhich you can find here

The aim with this book is to demystify and simplify the process of eating well. This book is a fad-free zone which focuses on the bigger picture of health — it isn’t about quick-fix diets or losing weight. One of the key messages in the book is the importance of adopting a balanced and flexible approach to eating well as “food should compliment your life, not dominate it”. 

You can find out more about Maeve and her work:


Paperback and Kindle: Apple books: Kobo: More info about the book and link:   Websites: Dietetically Speaking: Nutrimote:   Insta & facebook: @dieteticallyspeaking Twitter: @dieteticspeak