In this week’s “CURE Talks Cancer” podcast, we speak with Tony Bossis, PhD, head of the Cancer Anxiety Project, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, and director of palliative care at NYU. 

Bossis is one of a handful of scientists leading the so-called  "research renaissance" into psychedelics like psilocybin -- the psychoactive ingredient found in magic mushrooms. 

In clinical trials, psilocybin is getting remarkable results with patients who take it in guided sessions alongside a therapist. Many patients claim that the experience ranks among the most important of their lives and that it brings profound new perspective on living and dying that helps ease stress and anxiety. 

In this episode, you'll learn about the history of psilocybin research, what we've learned, what we still need to figure out, and what's in store for patients looking to find meaning amid their suffering.